Photo: Palli Kristmundsson


Glad to see you drop by! However you ended up here, I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay. If you’re looking for something in particular, I hope I can help you with that. And if you got here by chance I hope you will find something interesting! 

My aim with this site is to encompass as much of me as possible, that also might serve a public interest. A daunting task, to say the least, and there’s a lot of material and information to sort through. I’m constantly working on improving the usability and structure of the site so you as a visitor can easlisy find what you’re looking, and hopefully discover toher things along the way.   

The site as a whole is designed both for audience, organizers and business partners. And if you want to contact me for whatever reason, you’re very welcome to do so!

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Featured gig

Andreas Hellkvist Hammond Quartet

Katalin, Uppsala, March 7, 1998, 9:00 pm

In 1998 I was studying physics at the university in Uppsala. I was just beginning to play Hammond jazz gigs, but so far not in Uppsala. A few months earlier I had been introduced to a played with saxophone player Tore Berglund, who was living in Uppsala at the time…

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