
Glad to see you drop by! However you ended up here, I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay. If you’re looking for something in particular, I hope I can help you with that. And if you got here by chance I hope you will find something interesting! 

My aim with this site is to encompass as much of me as possible, that also might serve a public interest. A daunting task, to say the least, and there’s a lot of material and information to sort through. I’m constantly working on improving the usability and structure of the site so you as a visitor can easlisy find what you’re looking, and hopefully discover toher things along the way.   

The site as a whole is designed both for audience, organizers and business partners. And if you want to contact me for whatever reason, you’re very welcome to do so!

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Featured gig

Quadrophonic Leslie Experience

Uppsala Konsert & kongress, Uppsala, September 14, 2024, 6:00 pm

On this day I did two concerts at the concert hall of my hometown Uppsala. That particular day is very special in Uppsala. Every year, on the second Saturday of September, there is this thing called “Kulturnatten” (Culture Night). All over town, exhibitions, concerts and cultural manifestations in as music,…

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Quadrophonic Leslie Experience @ Uppsala Konsert & kongress, Uppsala on September 14, 2024 6:00 pm
Photo: Palli Kristmundsson