Great fun at Twang, Stockholm last Saturday! Sigurdur Flosason had put together a quartet with me, Erik Söderlind and Paul Swanberg. It was my first time playing with Siggi, but it has been in the making for a long time. And I haven’t played with the others for while either so it was about time. The repertoire was Siggi’s own tunes, with a nice variation in styles and tempos. I put up one of my favorites for the evening, Blue shoes. You can watch it below.

Sigurdur Flosason Organ Quartet
Twang, Stockholm
October 14, 2023, 8:00 pm
Sigurdur Flosason – saxofon
Andreas Hellkvist – orgel
Erik Söderlind – gitarr
Paul Svanberg – trummor
Twang, Stockholm