Releasekonsert Trinity @ Scalateatern, Stockholm on November 15, 2023 8:30 pm

Releasekonsert Trinity

Scalateatern, Stockholm

November 15, 2023, 8:30 pm

Second release concert, this one at the basement club of the Scala theater in Stockholm. I’ve played here quite a few times before, but never with Trinity. The acoustics really played to our favor so that the sound inspires you. That’s nice! Having done last night’s gig I think we were also a bit more relaxed. Seems like there was just another kind of flow this night, compared to the day before.

This place also has some quite nasty stairs to get in, but with the XK5, there’s seldom any problems. At least of you have a few hands of help.


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Andreas Hellkvist – Hammond
Jojo Djeridi – drums
Karl Olandersson – trumpet


Scalateatern, Stockholm


To venue