Hammond Advent Calendar, Dec 15th - Hans Bollandsås
Welcome to episode 15 of the Hellkvist Hammond advent calendar! In late August I had the pleasure of being invited to Carte Blanche, a concert series in my hometown of Uppsala where vrious guests are invited and the audience doesn’t know beforehand who will be playing, except Trio X, the house trio. I also got to invite one extra guest and then I brought my godd friend Hans Bollandås from Norway. Here’s his song “Too long” from that concert. Musicians:Hans Bollandsås – guitar, vocalsAndreas Hellkvist – Hammond B3Helene Misund – backing vocalsZoie FIner – backing vocalsLennart Simonsson – pianoPer V Johansson – double bassJocke Ekberg – drumsMore info https://andreashellkvist.comhttps://andreashellkvist.com/projects/apan-grisenSupport me on Patreon!https://www.patreon.com/andreashellkvistSign up for the newsletterhttp://eepurl.com/hkQ6I1Follow me here:https://youtube.com/andreashellkvisthttps://facebook.com/andreashellkvistmusichttps://instagram.com/feppehttps://twitter.com/andreashellkvishttps://vk.com/andreashellkvist #adventcalendar #hammondb3 #soul