Hammond Advent Calendar, Dec 10th - Old Gal Blues, Live in Bellingham

Welcome to episode 10 of the Hellkvist Hammond advent calendar!

Almost 4 years ago, in January of 2019 I went to attend my first NAMM show in Anaheim, CA. But the trip started with a stop in Bellingham, WA, to visit an old friend who also arranged for a few concerts there. THey were my first concerts in the US, and I was so excited to do it.
I got to play with these two great musicians, Cole Schuster and Julian MacDonough. We haden’t met before but things fell into place immediately. We had such a good time! Here’s a song of mine, based on an improvisation I did that was featured in another youtube clip, Old Gal 57, one of the most watched videos where I play.

Andreas Hellkvist – Hammond B3
Cole Schuster – guitar
Julian MacDonough – drums

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