What a trip! As we had an early gig on Saturday I drove down to Oskarshamn the night before, thinking I was going to have a long nights sleep and then just play the gig and go home. But, with about half an hour left to Oskarshamn my van started breaking down, leaving me stranded on the side of the road. I called for assistance and got towed the last part of the way. Then, with the help of the sound crew I could get the organ to the gig. And it all went great! Though, I worried about getting myself, the car and the organ home. As it was on a weekend there were no ordinary shops to get it fixed. But I managed to get hold of a guy who could fix it while I was playing the gig. A “Fixer” in the true sense of the word. He dismounted the broken parts, wleded them back togheter and put them back. So I could actually get home the day after. I’m so thankful for all these people out there.

Oskarshamns Kammarmusikförening & Jazzklubb
Forum, Oskarshamn
November 16, 2024, 3:00 pm
Andreas Hellkvist – Hammond
Jojo Djeridi – drums
Karl Olandersson – trumpet
Forum , Oskarshamn