Andreas Hellkvist Hammond advent calendar, Dec 2nd

Welcome to episode 2 of the Hellkvist Hammond advent calendar! If you don’t want to spoil the surprise of what’s in this clip, don’t read any further.

So, as you can see, technically this isn’t a Hammond video, but I thought it might do anyway. One of the last things I did in 2021 was to sell my Fender Rhodes -72. I had recently acquired a Rhodes -79 that suited me better.
The day that my old Rhodes was picked up I put them side by side and had a kind of farewell jam. This was literally recorded while the new owner was waiting to unplug and pack it.
The Fender Rhodes -72 had a keyboard that didn’t fit me at all, but I have to say I liked the sound. It had a little more crunch than the new one. You can hear it in this clip. The -72 is in the back and the -79 in the front.

Andreas Hellkvist – Fender Rhodes -72, Rhodes -79

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