Twang and Hammond

April 8, 2022

As I’m writing this, in a hotel lounge in the small town of Leksand, the snow is whirling around outside. It’s kind of cosy, but still I hope it’s the last of this winter. Luckily I have yet to change to summer tires on the van.

This week’s guest at the HQ was my friend and guitar player Ulf Holmberg. We’ve been playing together in different ways for a number of years. One of the most fun collaborations has been the combination of twang guitar and Hammond. There’ll be a new episode of Guest at the HQ out but it is not yet finished. Howver, you can watch a little teaser here, in this recording of “Harlem Nocturne”.

A lot of the music that I have played on my channel has been dedicated to my father. He always loved a good shuffle and hard swinging jazz. Unfortunately he passed away not too long ago so this stream will be dedicated to him (and everyone else who has lost a loved one for that matter). Now, it might seem like a somber theme there’ll be a lot of good music and a positive mood. Always a nice hang with the Saturday hammond family!

Watch it here

Hope you all are well!


