Streaming with Jan Johansen

October 27, 2022

Been spending a lot of time at the HQ lately. Luckily you can do a lot of things there – practise, rehearse, jam, record, produce, repair and various administrative work. And once in a while it’s nice to just have a cup of coffee, perhaps with some home baked crackers? That is exactly what is depicted above, when Jan Johansen and Palli Kristmundsson (who was taking the picture) came by the other day. And right after me and Jan sat down at the organ and drums and jammed on Jan’s biggest hit “Se på mig”.
Watch it here:

Last week a reporter from the local newspaper Uppsalatidningen came by and wrote a nice article about me that was published today. Those of you that doesn’t get the paper edition can read it here:

Jan will also be joining me on the next Hellkvist Hammond Hour, on Saturday October 29th, at 6pm CET as usual. Then he’ll be mostly singing. Don’t miss it! Watch it here:

Also, the next Organ party at Ktvå is just two weeks away, on November 10th! Guest artist will be singer, actress and comedian Maria Möller. So looking forward! Get your tickets here:

That’s all for now. See you soon!


