Easter nostalgia

April 15, 2022

On Easter Friday 1997 me and my dad took the car with trailer and went to Gothenburg to pick up my first “real” Hammond organ. It’s the one in the picture above, an A100 from 1967. It has served me faithfully for many years but nowadays it mostly sits in my living room. Where, by the way, it still fills an important purpose, besides just tying the room together with its presence.

With that in mind I thought as a theme for this week’s stream to look back on 1997 and the music the was played back then. A trip down memory lane. I guess you know by now that I love doing those things. And there’ll be some other music as well of course.

Important! This week’s Hellkvist Hammond Hour will be on Sunday April 17th 6pm CET and not Saturday. Hope that works for all of you who are plannign on watching.

Watch here:

The new episode of Guest at the HQ is also out, with my friend and guitar player Ulf Holmberg. We talk about twang guitar, party jazz, Elvis and other stuff. And there are also some very nice songs that we reocrded earlier in the day!

Watch the whole show here:

Here you can hear the Booker T & the MG:s klassiker, Time is tight

I also have got a Patreon account, so if you want to support what I do at the HQ, do subscribe!

That’s all for now. Hope you all are well!


