25 year anniversary and an advent calendar!

December 1, 2022

I have a hard time believing it, but Saturday Dec 3rd, is the 25th anniversary of my first Hammond jazz concert! It was in my hometown of Borlänge, at the local jazz club. The venue was called Caoz. Above is a picture from that very concert. A fond memory for sure, and one that calls for celebration!

So the Hellkvist Hammond Hour on Sat Dec 3rd 6pm CET is going to be a nostalgia trip! I’m also very happy to announce that I’ll be joined by saxophone player Tore Berglund, who played with me on that first concert and the following years. So looking forward!

Next organ party will be on Dec 16th, and the guest artist will be Kiralina Salandy. A guaranteed success!
They have actually removed the cover charge, so as long as there is room, you can just show up! But if you want seats I recommend that you book a table (but that’s only for dinner guests).

It’s December 1st, so Christmas time is starting. This year I thought I’d make an Advent calendar on YouTube, and post a video each day at 9pm CET. There’ll be both Christmas tunes and other stuff. Most of it hasn’t been published earlier.
The first clip will be available here:

All clips will also be collected in the playlist

And if you’re not already a subscriber on YouTube, you know what to do!
That’s all for now. See you soon!


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