Hammond clinic @ St. Sigfrids folkhögskola, Växjö on August 22, 2022 10:00 am

Hammond clinic

St. Sigfrids folkhögskola, Växjö

August 22, 2022, 10:00 am

Some places stay with you all your life. For me, St Sigfrid Folkhögskola is certainly one of them. I attended this school in 98-99 when I took a break from my University studies in Uppsala to spend more time with my music.

And though it was musically a very rewarding year, so much else happened as well that, in perspective, was even more significant. One might say it was the start of my personal journey that has culminated in recent years. So it was so nice to be back. I also like the feeling at the time of a new semester. Everything feels fresh and you’re like reloading for a new year after the summer.

This was a clinic but also sort of an inspirational lecture. I spoke about the Hammond and showed the instrument, I spoke about my music and the way I play and showed some examples of that. And I also spoke about myself as a musician and also about my journey. Few of the students knew who I was beforehand which made it even more exciting.

Afterwards, it was clear that most of them had had an experience that they had not expected, and they seemed to walk out inpspired and a little more knowledgable. I’m very glad for the opporunity to give them that experience!



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Musicians & Artists


Andreas Hellkvist – Hammond, talk


St. Sigfrids folkhögskola, Växjö


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