March 5, 2019, 8:00 pm
    Claes Janson @ Scalateatern, Stockholm on March 5, 2019
    Last gig of the tour, at the cosy basement club of Scala theater. Nice to end the tour in Stockholm!
    Claes Janson @ Kulturverkstan, Tingsryd
    March 3, 2019, 8:00 pm
    Claes Janson @ Kulturverkstan, Tingsryd
    Last time I was in Tingsryd was about 20 years ago when I did a church gig there. Can't say I remebmber much from that, but this concert surely will be a new pleasant memory.
    Claes Janson @ Skottvångs gruva, Mariefred
    March 2, 2019, 8:00 pm
    Claes Janson @ Skottvångs gruva, Mariefred
    One of the nicest concert venues in Sweden, I would say. Always great to play at Skottvångs gruva.
    Claes Janson @ Royal biograf, Eskilstuna
    March 1, 2019, 7:30 pm
    Claes Janson @ Royal biograf, Eskilstuna
    Playing in Eskilstuna again, but this time at the old move theatre Royal. Nice venue for this band.
    Claes Janson @ Vetlanda museum, Vetlanda
    February 28, 2019, 12:00 am
    Claes Janson @ Vetlanda museum, Vetlanda
    Another sold out concert. First time for me in Vetlanda. A nice looking room to play, though a little harder acoustically. With most of the light coming from the back, the camera got mostly silouettes. Here's one.
    Claes Janson @ Fjällstugan, Jönköping
    February 27, 2019, 12:00 am
    Claes Janson @ Fjällstugan, Jönköping
    Having played quite a lot in Jönköping over the years, it's nice to still find new places and audiences. Fjällstugan is beautifully situated on the top of a hill outside the city. One of these rooms where the B3 really fits in. It was sold out as well, so it was a great start of…
    Claes Janson @ JazzPool, Uppsala
    February 26, 2019, 7:00 am
    Claes Janson @ JazzPool, Uppsala
    First gig of a tour with Claes Janson, accomapnied by Arnesen Bluesband. We play the music form Claes' lastest record, "Ett ord till mina polare". I managed to break a key on the lower manual during a solo. Second key ever i broke.
    Trinity @ Glenn Miller Café, Stockholm
    February 20, 2019, 8:00 pm
    Trinity @ Glenn Miller Café, Stockholm
    It has been a long time since we played Glenn Miller Café, which made it all the more fun. Always nice when you have som new songs to present, and not having been there for a while also makes it fresh in a way.
    Trinity @ Folkkulturcentrum, Hjorthagen
    February 19, 2019, 7:00 pm
    Trinity @ Folkkulturcentrum, Hjorthagen
    Back at cosy Folkkulturcentrum! There were some logistic problems getting there both for me and Ali but it worked out in the end.
    Trinity @ Svejs jazzklubb, Stockholm
    February 15, 2019, 12:00 pm
    Trinity @ Svejs jazzklubb, Stockholm
    A crowded hall at the inne city jazz club Swejs in Stockholm. A little tricky getting the organ on stage but a very nice plae to play.
    S.H.O.P. @ Contrast, Eskilstuna
    February 13, 2019, 7:30 pm
    S.H.O.P. @ Contrast, Eskilstuna
    The classic organ trio format, and a repertoire consisting purely of soul jazz from the 60´s. We played the tunes of Jimmy Smith, Jimmy McGriff, Groove Holmes and Jack McDuff. What a fun night!
    January 30, 2019, 8:00 pm
    Trinity @ Fasching, Stockholm
    Since the release of our 4th album, we haven't been playing in Stockholm, so this felt like a belated release concert for the Stockholm audience. Always a pleasure playing at Fasching and this night was no exception.
    January 25, 2019, 1:00 pm
    Hammond demonstration @ Hammond booth, NAMM
    My first visit to NAMM surely was an experience to remember. I got to do a few demonstrations at the HAMMOND booth, and there were some other extraordinary events. Hope to go back next year!
    Andreas Hellkvist American Trio @ Lovitt restaurant, Bellingham
    January 19, 2019, 9:00 pm
    Andreas Hellkvist American Trio @ Lovitt restaurant, Bellingham
    First american concerts! Before going to NAMM I went to visit a friend up in Bellingham, WA and he set me up with Cole Schuster and Julian MacDonough. And so we did two shows a Lovitt restaurant, playing mostly my songs. What an experience! Photo: Dustin Crum
    November 19, 2018, 11:00 am
    Trinity @ Homes for elderly, Västerås
    Every year Trintiy makes some concerts at homes for elderly. This year, most of them were at different places in Västerås. It's usually quite a rewarding experience, both for us and the audience.
    November 3, 2018, 6:00 pm
    Claes Janson @ Borgholms bio
    A friend of mine moved from Uppsala to Borgholm (on the island of Öland), where she had bought an old movie theatre. They've made it a fantastic concert hall! Hope to come back there soon.
    Blueskvintetten @ Bollsta Folkets Hus, Kramfors
    October 27, 2018, 8:00 pm
    Blueskvintetten @ Bollsta Folkets Hus, Kramfors
    It is starting to become a tradition to go to Bollsta once every spring and fall and play with hits band. This time we also got to do a little sightseeing around the town. Here we found a chair placed in the middle of nowhere.
    Claes Janson @ Katalin, Uppsala
    October 25, 2018, 7:30 pm
    Claes Janson @ Katalin, Uppsala
    Release concert for Claes Janson's new CD "Ett ord till min polare". Arnesen Bluesband is the accompanying band on some of the songs on the record and live we do it all. Looking forward to playing more of this!
    Funk Up's @ Scalateatern, Stockholm
    October 24, 2018, 8:00 pm
    Funk Up’s @ Scalateatern, Stockholm
    You never really know what's gonna happen at a Funk Ups concert and that's fun. It keeps you on your toes. There are usually some guests coming up. On this night, one of them was Albin Grahn on trumpet.
    Arnesen-Hellkvist Experience @ Stampen, Stockholm
    October 20, 2018, 8:00 pm
    Arnesen-Hellkvist Experience @ Stampen, Stockholm
    This day started out a little strange. Me and Daniel were supposed to play with Max Schultz, but around noon I got a call saying he was at the hospital and would not be able to do the gig. As a replacement we called Thomas Arnesen and let the concert be in my name instead,…
    Hans Bollandsås & Andreas Hellkvist In Concert @ Stampen, Stockholm
    October 17, 2018, 8:00 pm
    Hans Bollandsås & Andreas Hellkvist In Concert @ Stampen, Stockholm
    Sometimes its a gamble when bringing the B3 to small places. Luckily, we managed to squeeze it in. It's been a while since we played with the full two keyboard line up. Always a blast!
    Arnesen Bluesband @ Piren, Norrtälje
    October 11, 2018, 7:30 pm
    Arnesen Bluesband @ Piren, Norrtälje
    Sometimes its a gamble when bringing the B3 to small places. Luckily, we managed to squeeze it in. It's been a while since we played with the full two keyboard line up. Always a blast!
    Kiralina trio @ Metropol, Härnösand
    October 10, 2018, 7:30 pm
    Kiralina trio @ Metropol, Härnösand
    An explosion of gospel and jazz at beautiful Metropol. Playing with these guys, you never really know what to expect but it always is a blast!
    BB King Tribute w. Claes Janson & Thomas Arnesen @ Blidösund, Stockholm
    October 6, 2018, 7:00 pm
    BB King Tribute w. Claes Janson & Thomas Arnesen @ Blidösund, Stockholm
    Great night onboard steam ship Blidösund! The band was on fire and the audience very appreciative. It got quite crowded back in the stern, but it also makes coozy and intimate.